
You can't feel beautiful on the outside, without feeling beautiful on the inside

Gettin Meh Summer Body ONNN!!!

Hello Lovelies!!!

We’re going to switch gears from makeup to nutrition, but keep in mind that everything in the end falls into the same category.


I haven’t been able to wear these pants since I was 100 pounds!

First can I just say, that weight, whether it be under or over, may be the biggest hill people have to conquer. I know from personal experience that I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Whether I was an average 14 year old with baby fat, a not so average 16-17 year old being 40 pounds under weight, and lastly being a 19 year old and 40 pounds heavier than I should have been. Luckily for me, my friend Matt introduced me to the Nutrilite weight loss products in September 2011. I want to give you a little background on Nutrilite just so you can see why it isn’t a “fad diet” or just some drugstore mediocre brand. Nutrilite is the only global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, harvest, and process plants on their own CERTIFIED organic farms. Every product that they send out has been through extensive research so that the product meets the nutritional value to optimal health. Lastly, the founder of Nutrilite, Carl  Rehnborg actually created the first multi-vitamin in 1934. Just some really cool facts right there. Basically my whole weight gain started after I was underweight do to chemo therapy. My eating habits were out of whack and I never felt full. I could eat a whole pizza, a whole cake, and a whole box of cookies. This was totally fine when I was so sick I couldn’t keep any of the food down, but once I was done with chemo the eating habits didn’t end with it. The weight came on slow, but by summer 2011 I was at my all-time heaviest at 168 pounds. The lovely thing about being 5 ft 8 was the fact that I hid that weight well and have always knew how to dress my body, however it got to the point where my mom wouldn’t even assure me that I wasn’t overweight, she would just express that our whole family needed to lose some weight. It wasn’t even that my friend thought that I needed to lose weight, but he knew that I had been feeling incredibly self-conscious and he knew exactly what I needed to lose the extra weight I had gained and actually keep it off. One day he handed me Nutrilite’s Slimmetry Dietary Supplement, and he explained that its main ingredients are “Green tea, a natural weight loss ingredient that helps support a healthy metabolism, Yerba Mate, helps with providing the feeling of being satisfied, and Coleus Forskohlii, effective in aiding fat loss,” and he told me to try it and if I didn’t like it then there was a 6 month money back guarantee anyways and I could just get a full refund. I started taking Slimmetry and immediately the weight was coming off. Can I just say that the feeling of being completely satisfied was like no other? How many people fail at weight loss because they never feel satisfied? It was a huge achievement in my life. Weight loss is a huge achievement for anyone.

Image Many people, even if they don’t struggle with being over-weight, most of the time struggle with maintaining the weight they want to be. Even after losing 35 pounds, I still wasn’t exactly happy with where I was, I know that a big factor in that was I really wanted to tone. The wonderful thing about Nutrilite weigh loss products is that they are a LONG LASTING weight loss program. I am so done with those little fad diets where you lose weight fast but have to stay on the program for the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off. How dumb is that? I wanted something that would train my body, not just make me a lazy person counting on pre-made meals for the rest of my life. The one thing I find really funny actually is, what if those pre-made meal fad diets go out of business? Guess the fad dieters are out of luck.

 You know another sad thing, we are so prone to emotionally allowing ourselves to just get lazy. This semester being my last, and strangely though I am only taking two classes, it has been the most stressful, confusing semester I have ever undergone. Without even knowing it, I stopped drinking as much water and sweets became something I was constantly craving. I have gained about 5 pounds back out of that 35 and let me tell you, it makes you feel so weak. It actually can burden you, knowing that you made such an accomplishment yet you got lazy and allowed yourself to lose self-control.


This is my weight currently, really not loving this shape but weight for next weeks post and I will let you guys know the weight loss challenge I am doing and will being posting my new summer body in three months!!

Finally, when January came into the picture it was announced that Nutrilite was adding a program into their weight loss pantry….  Yea I know you want to know what this new program is, because take Slimmetry and times the awesomeness by 100 and you have this program. But you will have to wait!!

This will be continued guys!!! Expect the SECOND HALF coming next week! Get excited!

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This entry was posted on March 31, 2013 by .